Casual Friday



"Casual Fridays" is a more recent dress code term in the business world than you think. It was established in the late 1950's in an effort to boost worker morale. But this isn't a history lesson so lets get to it. "Casual" is becoming a very loose term and society seems to get a little laid back when it comes to dressing. In the office even on Casual Friday you should stick to your A game.

Pictured is a nice flattering ruffle blouse with dark wash trouser jeans. I suggest buying dark wash jeans over medium wash jeans because they last longer and come off more put together. I love these jeans because they are comfortable and also look like trouser pants in denim form. Paired with wedges for a 70's chic vibe. Throw on a blazer and you are ready to walk into the boardroom.

Casual Friday shouldn't be as professional as the work week but the point is that you are still at work. Have fun with it and leave the pajamas at home, where they belong. Always purchase and wear things that flatter your beautiful and unique figure. Express who you are thru the way you dress.

A friend shared a picture recently that said, "Dress how you want to be addressed. Respect yourself and others will too." This really spoke to me and I hope it does to you too! As always thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed. Over and out, have an awesome week!

Stay Sassy xo

{Top- Daisy Riley Clothing & Accessories, Jeans-Loft, Belt-Brighton Collectables, Handbag-Target}

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