Who to ask to be in your Wedding?

Who to ask to be in your Wedding?


Asking people to be in your wedding can either be a no brainer for some & a piece of cake for others. I found that I got hung up on having 5 bridesmaids & 5 groomsmen. This hang up was foolish because it left special people out. Down the line I finally was like we are asking the people & that's that. I had a pretty large bridal party but I wouldn't have had it any other way. Each person standing with Ricky & I had been thru a lot with us at different times in our lives, all equally important to us.


Maid Of Honor?

The MOH has a lot of responsibilities between assisting the bride, planning the bridal shower, bachelorette, & making sure the rest of the girls are on board. This is typically a sister or close gal pal. I asked my sister to be my right hand, not only is she my sister by blood but we happen to be really close friends by choice. The nice thing about asking a sister I feel opposed to a friend is that your other friends won't be upset if you didn't ask them & your sister most likely has more tolerance for you when you are going into bridezilla mode. (I like to think I never got in bridezilla mode) If you don't have a sister fear not! Ask your bestie, someone who can handle the planning & responsibilities.

Stuck between a friend & sister? Well there is a fix. If one of them is married make them your matron of honor & the other unmarried girl your maid of honor. They can both share the responsibilities.


As I mentioned prior I really got hung up on the number of girls standing up there with me. I would advise anyone not to do that. Even if the bridesmaids & groomsmen are uneven who cares it's 2016! One guy can always walk down 2 girls or vise-versa. Bridesmaids, I would ask anyone that you are super close with & that you see will be in your life for a long time. God willing you only get one wedding & you want to make sure you don't leave people out or have someone in the bridal party who isn't your close to you. I had girls by my side who I've known since middle & high school, who I met thru church, I met one of girls when we worked at a coffee shop together, & one of my bridesmaids was my husband's cousin(we were friends before I met him). Every bride is different but these girls know me, they have been with me thru my ups & downs. I couldn't picture my day without each one of them. These girls are ultimately going into the next chapter of your life with you.

Well Fash Dolls I hope this has helped give clarity to some & of you are not a future bride yourself keep this in mind for the future or share this with someone!

**Side note: I would like to invite any blogger, creative, or boss babe in the Boston area to my paint your own tote nite November 5th. Get your

tickets here

 , space is limited.**

Till next time Dolls!

Stay Sassy + God Bless!

Gigi xo

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