5 Tips for Getting a Tattoo

Hello, beautiful! I hope you all have a fabulous & productive week. So my younger sister got a new tattoo last week on top of some instagram babes asking for tips on getting some ink I thought it'd be cool to post some tips. Let me begin by saying I am not a tattoo artist but I have gotten 9 tattoos, needless to say I have been to this rodeo before.

1. Eat- The first time I went to get a tattoo one of the first questions they asked me was had I eaten. I hadn't so they gave me a lollipop. It is important to eat before you go, think about it you are getting a needle poked in your skin repeatedly & depending on how big the art work is you could be there for hours. This is to prevent you from getting light headed or low blood sugar. 

2. Don't Drink- I once tried to get a tattoo on New Year's Day & the studio that I go to was closed. They also stressed that it is important not to drink alcohol the night before as it thins your blood.

3. Breathe- Depending on the spot of your tattoo some places can hurt more than others. I have both sides of my rib cage & foot done which was pretty painful. I found it helpful to simply focusing on my breathing thru these sessions.

4. Bring someone- Another thing I find super helpful is too bring a friend for support. Obviously this is not a necessity it is up to you but I definitely need someone there with me, especially for those more painful spots to have a hand to hold (or squeeze).

5. Do not itch- Once your tattoo is completed your artist will give you after care instructions. During the healing process your piece will scab over & become itchy. Do not itch, I repeat do not itch. Just let it do it's thing. When you feel the urge to itch just give it a light tap or apply some non-scented moisturizer 

Well fash dolls I hope you found some of these tips helpful. I have slowed down with the ink but I am planning a touch up soon & I can't wait. I love each & everyone of my pieces as they represent different meanings. If you have anymore questions regarding tattoos, fashion, or bridal feel free to submit them to gigi@fash-ology.com. Till next time!

Stay Sassy & God Bless!


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