Meet Alex, the Newest Team Member!

Hello, beauties! Happy Monday! Today I wanted to introduce to Alex, the Fashology Social Media Marketing Intern. Alex started a little over a week ago & has been a major help. As you may know I work full time as an assistant buyer and other than the fabulous photographers I work with it's been a one woman show. With the blog growing I was in need of some boss babe help.

Alex attends Fisher College in Boston working toward her Bachelor's of Science in management with a concentration in fashion merchandising. She participates in Fisher's Fashion Club & has worked as a backstage assistant at Cynthia Rowley's fashion show during Boston Fashion Week. Aside from all things fashion she is a coffee addict, brunette but recently turned blondie, & a lover of all things food. Needless to say we are going to get along just fine.

When Alex is not in Boston for school she heads back to Rowley, MA, she comes from a family with 3 other siblings.

As the social media marketing intern some of her responsibilities include: developing content concepts, keeping the content calendar, & assisting with all Fashology social media outlets. (If you aren't following us on instagram, facebook, & twitter you should probably change that) She is doing an excellent job so far! 

I am so excited to have her join the team. Help me in welcoming Alex to the Fashology fam!

Have a great week beautiful people, till next time.

Stay Sassy & God Bless! 

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