How to Continue to Wear Color through the Fall


Hey there fashology! Happy fall! As we head into this season, I’m sure there are some of us (myself included) that want to hold on to the bright light of summer. One way we can do that is by keeping color in our wardrobe! Far too often I see the colors in my closet become dark and muted to match the weather outside; But this definitely does not need to be the case! Fall colors are all so beautiful, so why ignore them?

I love pairing a vibrant dress like this with a fall piece everyone knows and loves, a flannel. I chose a bold red for my dress, but this look very easily could be done with your fav LBD too! When styling, I like to tie up my flannel to keep the silhouette of the dress. Since I’m in California, I can still get away with short dresses. But for those of you in colder states, add some tights or a faux leather jacket on top and you’ll be toasty as can be! 

How do you all incorporate color into your closet?


Happy fall everyone! I am so excited that fall is officially here! I love the fall season, and just about everything that comes with it. One of the things that I love most about the season are the beautiful color palettes. When it comes to fall colors I’m sure most of us think of reds, oranges, yellows, and browns. When fall comes, these colors usually become more muted and neutral, and while I am a neutral-lover, I still love a pop-of-color throughout the season. We can still wear our favorite fall colors, but the vibrancy does not have to fade as we make our way through the season! 

Yellow is definitely an essential color for the fall. This is one of my favorite sweaters to wear for the season because the color screams fall, but I still maintain some vibrancy! For an additional pop-of-color, I accessorized with a scarf. My scarf has some beautiful fall tones as well as some pops of teal, which make a beautiful contrast. Accessorizing with a bright scarf is a great way to easily add some color to your fall wardrobe! Lastly, just have fun with it!


Hey sis! I cannot even believe it is fall already. If you have been here for awhile you may know that I am 100% a summer person. However, I do love the crisp fall air, the spookiness surrounding halloween, & a good pair of boots. To Cat & Cydni’s point often when we make this transition to the fall season we tend to loose the brightness in clothing/accessories. A neutral lover myself with a sea of black in my closet I am trying to go outside my comfort zone by wearing more color. Let’s be honest a fun color these days could also really alter your mood & be a breath of fresh air to those you pass by.

A fun way to bring color into the fall/winter season is with jewel tones, like this purple dress. Jewel tones tend to be on the cooler side of the color spectrum but, are deep & rich in color. (similar to an actual jewel) These tones can really make you feel fancy even if you just pair your dress with a pair of boots! With this look I added a fresh pop of white. Yes, white is a neutral but there seems to be this stigma about wearing white after Labor Day. Girl, break the dang rules & wear the white! By adding a white accessory it brightens up the look. I am also a sucker for a white, pink, & brown color scheme for an outfit but that will be a post for another day.

Moral of today’s post, continue to wear color! It will not only brighten your day but someone else’s too!

Here it is: The Dress you Never Knew You Needed

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