5 Helpful Tips for Surviving Finals


Hi loves! It’s FINALLY that time of year again. You know the time that happens at the end of every semester. Yes, you guessed it, it’s finals time. As we are gearing up towards the end of the semester the work load is increasing, we are getting less sleep every night, and our some of us are losing our minds. There are some steps that over the years I have learned on how to stay calm and organized which leads to a successful end of the semester. If you follow my steps (or at least adapt them to fit into your lifestyle) I promise you will get through finals week and will be sunbathing on the beach in no time.

  1. The first step to a successful finals week is to stay organized. This step is vital because without organization it can be easy to become overwhelmed and forget about important assignments. I tend to forget about my assignments very easily. Between six classes, a part-time job, and an internship you can imagine my planner looks hectic. I suggest keeping planner with all due dates written out in advance. This can be done in the beginning of the semester using the syllabus and adjusted as you go. This will help to not leave you with a big pile of work at the end. I also suggest using a wall or desk calendar color coded for each class. It is easier for you to glance at quickly and see what is due when. If these two organizational tools fail, you must resort to notes in a common place that you will see (phone or whiteboard) and alarms which is what I resort to when it gets too crazy for me.

  2. Another suggestion that I have found to help with finals week is creating study guides or using one of my all-time favorite study tools Quizlet. Some professors will provide these tools for you but if not, it is up to you to create one. I have never learned material quicker than I do when using Quizlet, so I am always suggesting it to fellow students.

  3. Step three would have to be to get your finals schedule as soon as you can and make sure it does not conflict with any prior engagements including work. This goes for the week before finals as well because time needs to be set aside to focus on studying and assignments. Taking off work or switching shifts to ensure you can focus on studying is important.

  4. Tip four is to ensure that you’re eating right and staying hydrated. This time is stressful for most students and they put their work ahead of their health. If you are not eating properly and taking care of your body, then you risk becoming sick or not being up to par when the day of your test comes.

  5. Lastly, do not forget to leave time for yourself! It can impair your ability to retain information if you over study, so it is best to study when you have a clear mind and don’t over do it. I always put sleep as a priority over my school work. I truthfully believe if you are not at your best then you will not be able to do your best and thus far my theory has been extremely successful as I have never had to pull an all-nighter and my grades have not suffered from sleeping a proper amount. Put away your work, turn on Netflix, and relax!

That is all the tips I have for you guys! I’m hoping that by sharing my success in school I can help those who may struggle or have a difficult time at the end of the semester. I feel the stress myself but by following my steps I have always had a successful finals week (so far that is). If you’re no longer in school my steps can be translated into your busy work schedule as well. Many workaholics follow the same patterns that students do during busy times in school and these are important steps to being successful in that part of life too!

XO, Jill

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