How to Balance it All: Melt down to breakthrough

Hello, old friends!

It has been a MINUTE since I have written a blog post, May 26th, 2021 to be exact was the last post on here written by me personally. As my first post out of blog writing retirement I am going to give you the skinny on what I have been up to. In addition, I will answer the burning question you all ask me, how do I balance it all? The secret, I don’t. However, we will dig more into this later. For future posts I plan to get back into all things fashion & style tips sprinkled with some fun things in between. In the meantime, here we go!

If you aren’t on the email list or follow me on social, I had a baby! Our first child, Penelope Sloane Williams made her world debut in October 2021. I will say since then I have been more in survival mode vs thriving as I have learned to navigate my new role as a mother. It has been NOTHING like I anticipated but, has been a beautiful yet chaotic journey none the less. Knock on wood, I think I am starting to find my stride.

Although the past 16 months have been wonderful there has certainly been a lot of mess. This past fall I put myself back in therapy which has been very helpful. Prior to having the baby I was relatively good at keeping myself in check, therapy is putting me on the path to get back to that place. I feel like if the past 3 years have taught us anything is that life can be hard, we are all human with emotions, & that we should put ourselves first. After all, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

Which brings me to the most asked question I received from you, how do you do it all? As I stated earlier, I don’t. Everything has a season! Some seasons my corporate job needs more attention, sometimes I need a restful moment, etc. I will say in times that I may appear to be doing it all I am either staying up late, getting up early, or cramming as much as I possibly can on my lunch break. On the heels of a very eye opening buying trip for Fashology I am feeling inspired. Inspired to set up systems that actually work to show up here more. With that takes discipline which isn’t always my strong suit but, I am a work in progress!

I sincerely appreciate your love & support over the years. This September Fashology will be turning 10 which is unbelievable! What started out as a blog to provide women with attainable fashion advice has transformed to a carefully curated online boutique. Through the pivots & ebbs & flows thank you so much for being here. There have been many times were I have thought about giving it up but, you have kept me going.

Thank you. I love you. Let’s see what the rest of this ride has left in-store!


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